Wenhao Qi 祁文浩

I am a 5th-year PhD student at the Department of Psychology, UC San Diego working with Lindsey Powell. I used to work with Ed Vul who has joined industry. I got my undergraduate degree in Automation from Tsinghua University, China.

My PhD research studies social cognition using computational and evolutionary methods. I focus on the welfare tradeoff ratio (WTR), a quantitative measure of people’s generosity toward each other. I study how people make social decisions based on WTRs, how people infer others’ WTRs toward themselves, and how WTRs change over time and space.

I am looking for a postdoc position to build probabilistic language-of-thought (PLoT) models of human concept learning, formalized as program induction and revision in a probabilistic programming language. I will use list functions and the Abstraction and Reasoning Corpus (ARC) as primary test beds.

I like Haskell and prog rock.

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An accurate and efficient measure of welfare tradeoff ratios
Under review
Wenhao Qi, Edward Vul, Lindsey J. Powell
Journal of Experimental Social Psychology
The evolution of theory of mind on welfare tradeoff ratios
2022 [link]
Wenhao Qi, Edward Vul
Evolution and Human Behavior, 43(5), 381–393
Adaptive behavior in variable games requires theory of mind
2020 [link]
Wenhao Qi, Edward Vul
CogSci 2020


Triadic conflict “primitives” can be reduced to welfare trade-off ratios
2022 [link]
Wenhao Qi, Edward Vul, Adena Schachner, Lindsey J. Powell
Behavioral and Brain Sciences, 45, e117


The evolution of reciprocity based on welfare tradeoff ratios in games with asymmetric information
July 2023 [link]
Wenhao Qi, Boyu Wang, Lindsey J. Powell
CogSci 2023 poster
Studying the long-term dynamics of reciprocity based on welfare tradeoff ratios
July 2022 [link]
Wenhao Qi, Edward Vul
CogSci 2022 poster