Wenhao Qi 祁文浩
I am a 6th-year PhD student at the Department of Psychology, UC San Diego working with Lindsey Powell. I used to work with Ed Vul who has joined industry. I got my undergraduate degree in Automation from Tsinghua University, China.
My PhD research studies social cognition using computational and evolutionary methods. I focus on the welfare tradeoff ratio (WTR), a quantitative measure of people’s generosity toward each other. I study how people make social decisions based on WTRs, how people infer others’ WTRs toward themselves, and how WTRs change over time and space.
I am looking for a postdoc position to build probabilistic language-of-thought (PLoT) models of human concept learning, formalized as program induction and revision in a probabilistic programming language. I will use list functions and the Abstraction and Reasoning Corpus (ARC) as primary test beds. I am working with Josh Tenenbaum and Maddy Bowers on a program synthesis algorithm that can potentially explain people’s incredible efficiency in concept learning tasks.